Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis, The Destroyer, Wormwood, Hercolubus, Comet Typhon – Expected in Year 2021. Is Nibiru real? Does it take Nibiru 3,607 years to complete one orbital journey? As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system would spell big trouble for planet Earth.
Nibiru Planet X 2018, Gwinn, Michigan. 12K likes. We give you the news from all over the world. The videos that you see our political, war, news space discoveries, world disasters, and more. Recent Topics | Nibiru Update 2020 Jul 05, 2016 · We want to educate everyone on the upcoming pole shift. This will be a time to help others! Many individuals have incorrectly assumed that the goal of being in the earth is to simply reach heaven, find enlightenment, or somehow “get out of the earth.” Will Nibiru hit Earth in 2018? - Quora Nibiru is a fictional planet, and as such has no chance of hitting the real Earth. It was invented in 1995 by Nancy Lieder, a self-described “contactee with the ability to receive messages from extraterrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system
In the early morning of November 27, 2018, I was shown Planet X/Nibiru during a night vision. I suddenly heard a voice in the spirit say to me, “Look over there, it is here. The time is now.” I looked out at the horizon and saw a massive planet coming up from the horizon, red and fiery, much, much larger than any planetary body that has END OF THE WORLD? Nibiru to 'appear in 2018 and DESTROY ... Feb 10, 2018 · END OF THE WORLD? Nibiru to 'appear in 2018 and DESTROY THE PLANET' THE beginning of the end of the world is to commence in Spring of 2018, and later on in the year Planet X will appear and cause Nibiru, el Planeta X, existe y se está acercando a la ... Pero parece ser que el Planeta X mencionado en los archivos de la NASA no está vinculado con la teoría expuesta por Zecharia Sitchin, quien aseguraba que Nibiru era el planeta de los Anunnaki y que cada 3.600 años se aproxima a la Tierra.
1 Dic 2018 Es un fenómeno para el cual los científicos no tienen respuesta ni explicación, un sismo que fue imperceptible y sin precedentes en la historia 23 Abr 2018 Se acaba de publicar un impactante vídeo sobre Nibiru en internet que nos ha dejado boquiabiertos. Se trata de imágenes reales captadas 10 Mar 2014 El Sistema Solar exterior comprende los cuerpos situados más allá del Cinturón de Asteroides, mientras que el interior está formado por El Planeta-X Nibiru es ya visible desde la tierra, Los últimos avistamientos reales de Nibiru, han sido grabados a lo ancho del hemisferio sur, su llegada pa. 10 Nov 2019 El Planeta NIBIRU y sus HABITANTES RxOKdB5AICE (ESTE ES UN TEMA PARA EL ANÁLISIS. 30 Nov 2018 Hace varios días, una serie de ondas sísmicas recorrieron el mundo y nadie sabía por qué. El hecho empezó el domingo 11 de noviembre a las
Nov 06, 2017 · Nibiru SHOCK CLAIM: Planet X 'will arrive in May NEXT YEAR and trigger World War 3' NIBIRU has entered the solar system and will arrive after a fiery period of thermonuclear war, it has been Nibiru spotted: Is blue planet over Earth PROOF of Planet ... Apr 23, 2019 · Nibiru spotted? What is this mystery 'blue planet' over Earth? Planet X or UFO sighting? THE mythical planet Nibiru or Planet X has entered the solar system and can be seen in these pictures, an Nibiru to STRIKE next month? Frenzy as 'object bigger than ... Jul 10, 2018 · The Nibiru cataclysm is said to be a future disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large unknown planet – which many believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in the doomsday event also refer to the object involved as Planet X. Claims have previously risen after a "second Sun" was spotted in the sky.
Pero parece ser que el Planeta X mencionado en los archivos de la NASA no está vinculado con la teoría expuesta por Zecharia Sitchin, quien aseguraba que Nibiru era el planeta de los Anunnaki y que cada 3.600 años se aproxima a la Tierra.